
  • For a property which is prestigious and lavishly spread out some of your guests might not be able to go around and discover if they are immobile for any reason….you can now help them with a solution by giving them their individual power mobility electric Foldable Scooter- the CURISER S 19 !
  • Senior citizens or Visitors of any age* who are not necessarily physically challenged but are restricted in their movement due to reasons as their weight, Cardiac conditions, Chronic joint pains, Pregnancy etc or just cannot walk for long can now just rent/borrow from your Concierge the Cruiser S19 and move around the Mall happily.   They will at no time miss keeping up and enjoying the company of their loved ones! They need not be restricted to spending time sitting only in your lobbies anymore! They too can shop/eat/do a movie by themselves! They can simply move around where they wish, when they wish and at their own pace without depending on anyone as in a traditional wheel chair. (* we suggest a minimum age limit of 18 years and mentally stable).
  • Give your guests a more rewarding experience….the Cruiser S 19.
  • The Cruiser S19 needs no special training to operate. In a few minutes of basic explanation on how to operate the user will be familiar and away.
  • Catch up with this new trend in a lifestyle change which these Guests will remember and be glad to come back for!
  • Read the full features from cruiser s19 page and watch the video too.
  • Pre-book the Cruiser S19 at the launch price now! Special offers also on orders for 10 or more scooters!
  • Email or call us now for a formal quote or further details.